Thursday, October 23, 2008

So i've been slacking on updating this blog sorry :( . I'm am now 17 weeks and 5 days which makes me 4 months and it's funny how time flies but in my case it's been slowly creeping by. I no longer have any morning sickness or any of that but now my sciatica is bothering along with some hip pain and I feel most of it when I'm sleeping which makes life a lot more difficult but heat helps! On Monday the 27th of October we are going in for our gender scan which is very exciting. Last month when I went in for my NT Scan everything looked great and the tech took a guess but told me not fall for it that early (13 weeks) she was guessing a boy and now I truly feel like it's boy! Here are some updated pics..the first was at 8 weeks 5 days


and the second pic is from 13 weeks 2 days ENJOY!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

First Pic

So I had my first ultrasound last week and I was just 5 weeks so you couldn't see the baby. Went back today and we are measuring at 6 weeks and 1 day and I saw the Heartbeat!


Saturday, July 19, 2008